Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Leopard ZentaiCD

For this shoot, I wore my fave Leopard Zentai suit, my pvc boots and corsett and a black mesh dress. I also placed some black tape over my fake breast nipples which I thought worked well. The star addition to my costume was the Leopard sheath which was part of my Zentai suit, a true wild Rogue.
I really enjoy doing these shoots and as a result I have been featured on a couple of websites which is really cool. I have also been asked to a few shoots with various fetish sites including a latex site in Germany. Well, as soon as I have my airfare I'll be off. Its starting to look quite interesting for this Rogue in the near future, and I shall be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Til next time

Peace & Zentai
Zentai CD

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